Site investigations undertaken early in a projects development will often not comment on soil waste classification or provide details on how excavated soils can be reused sustainably. In addition, it is not uncommon for remedial measures, where required, to be overly conservative (such as the provision of a soil cover across an entire development). This can result in excess volumes of waste soil being unnecessarily excavated and consigned to landfill (e.g. to achieve levels for the proposed soil cover), it can also result in a requirement for an increased volume of imported soils. Not only can this have significant financial implications on a project it can also increase its carbon footprint, as a result of increased vehicle movements, plant usage etc.
This can create the following challenges for contractors:
- Exposure to significant financial risks when tendering for a project where soil waste classification has not been included/considered correctly. Costs for soil waste disposal can vary greatly depending on the material classification.
- Difficulty in fulfilling duty of care obligations. As a waste producer, the responsibility lies with the developer to ensure that waste soil is classified appropriately and in accordance with current guidance and legislation (i.e. WM3).
- Whilst receiving landfills will provide comment on the classification of different samples within a site investigation report, it is generally outside their remit to offer solutions to how those samples with differing classifications can be managed in a cost effective manner.
- Difficulty in demonstrating a commitment to reducing landfill waste and the objectives of a circular economy when options for reducing soil waste and reusing excavated soils have not been considered.
Tool Description
This soil management tool is designed specifically for developers and groundwork contractors, to assist them address these issues. It allows users to upload relevant development information e.g. existing site investigation reports, remedial plans, design drawings and development layouts. Once uploaded these will be instantly transferred to our dedicated soil management team who will undertake a preliminary review and contact the user to discuss options. Where considered beneficial and in agreement with the client our team will proceed with undertaking a detailed review and production of a soil management solutions report.
The client will receive a site specific report containing recommendations to minimise waste soil and potential sustainable soil management solutions. This report will be tailored specifically to your development site/project and will aim to help you achieve the following:
- Fully consider potential financial implications of soil waste disposal costs and classify soils appropriately. This can assist in developing a soil management plan that could aim to retain those soils with a higher classification onsite, where appropriate to do so.
- Identify opportunities to reuse site won materials within the development/project.
- Identify a more cost effective remedial strategy, where possible. This could significantly reduce soil waste disposal volumes and the associated environmental impact of sending soils to landfill.
Out team also has extensive contacts within the waste industry and in addition to the above can independently research disposal/treatment solutions to ensure that you are getting the best possible value.
Once your site reports/drawings have been submitted you will be contacted by one of our senior staff to discuss options within 48 hours. A preliminary high level verbal options appraisal will be provided at no cost and should you wish to proceed with a detailed assessment we will confirm our fees depending on the amount of information that requires review.
Once all relevant information has been provided to Albion, an assessment can be completed within 1 week. A quicker turnaround could potential be undertaken but would have to be agreed in advance and is dependent on workload, please contact Albion for further details.