WM3 Waste Classification

WM3 Waste Classification


If you produce, manage or regulate waste, the classification of the waste must be undertaken prior to it being moved, disposed of or recovered.  Waste classification is a complex exercise and is dependent on numerous factors. Classifying waste will help you decide how the waste will be handled. It will also help you to complete the paperwork that must be given to waste contractors so they can manage your waste appropriately. This is part of your Duty of Care responsibilities.

Tool Description

The purpose of this tool is to aid you in classifying material and identifying its hazardous properties (if any). It aims to walk you easily through the process to ensure that Albion is provided as much relevant information as possible.
Using our expert knowledge, experience and access to online tools we are able to review any relevant chemical results in accordance with EA/SEPA's Waste Classification: Guidance on the Classification and Assessment of Waste (1st Edition, 2015) Technical Guidance WM3 and classify the material for off-site disposal.


The outcomes of the waste classification exercise are produced so that they can be passed straight on to waste disposal sites.
You have the comfort in knowing that Albion have the required skills and expertise to complete a waste classification in line with current guidance, which enables you to fulfil your legal duty and requirements.


£140 per assessment (exc. VAT).
Discounts can be available in advance, please contact Albion for further details.
An invoice would be raised on completion of assessment.


Once all relevant information has been provided to Albion, an assessment can be completed within 1 week. A quicker turnaround could potentially be undertaken but would have to be agreed in advance and is dependent on Albion's current workload, please contact Albion for further details.